All Jewish Jobs seeking 'Community Organizing'

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Communications Associate

Communications Associate at Moise Safra Center New York City, New York (NY)

Rabbinic Fellow for Israel Education and Advocacy

Rabbinic Fellow for Israel Education and Advocacy at Confidential New York City, New York (NY)

Engagement Program Manager

Engagement Program Manager at Osher Marin Jcc San Rafael, California (CA)

Development Director

Development Director Holocaust Education Resource Center at Milwaukee Jewish Federation Milwaukee, Wisconsin (WI)

Philanthropic Fundraising Campaign Associate

Philanthropic Fundraising Campaign Associate at Jewish Federation Of Greater Dallas Dallas, Texas (TX)

Director of Hadar Chicago

Director of Hadar Chicago, Faculty Member at Hadar Remote, New York (NY)

Development & Membership Director

Development & Membership Director at Congregation Beth Sholom Sf San Francisco, California (CA)